
The Most Racist City?

The Most Racist City?

Maclean’s magazine once declared Winnipeg as “Canada’s most racist city.” Now it is Thunder Bay’s turn, a city in turmoil after a report slammed its overstretched police force (if not the entire city) for alleged “systemic racism” towards its Indigenous population....

The Battle for the Bruce

The Battle for the Bruce

As the final leg of the world-famous Bruce Trail – the country’s longest and oldest hiking trail – Ontario’s rugged Bruce Peninsula places a physical exclamation mark upon some of Canada’s most spectacular and well-loved scenery. Separating Lake Huron from Georgian...

Featured News

Vaccine Consensus vs Hesitancy

Vaccine Consensus vs Hesitancy

Eradicating vaccine hesitancy has never been a bigger priority for the medical and media establishment. The World Health Organization has listed the phenomenon among the top ten threats to global health. Unfavorable media coverage forced Vaxxed filmmaker Del Bigtree...



Irving Berlin’s Christmas song “White Christmas” is a classic - Bing Crosby’s version remains the best-selling single of all time. And yet, if the logic of a special interest group in Winnipeg is to prevail, the name of the song would have to be changed to something...

Central Bankers Need to Learn to Code

Central Bankers Need to Learn to Code

Central bankers increasingly sense their obsolescence, and rightly so. The more people turn to private currencies and conduct transactions without intermediaries, the less bureaucrats control the economy. In February 2019, a 33-page Bank of Canada "Crypto Money"...