
Featured News

The Pawlowski Decision

In the Alberta Health Services v. Artur Pawlowski and Dawid Pawlowski decision last September, a Court of Queen’s Bench justice found the two brothers in contempt of court. The Pawlowski brothers openly challenged health ordinances and court orders and did not deny...

Voiceless & Powerless

Voiceless & Powerless

Individuals aboriginal citizens are not represented by anybody, particularly the Assembly of First Nations. That’s why grass roots advocate Leona Freed favours a modernized treaty annuity which would direct resources directly to ordinary aboriginals. (2 minutes)

Healing and the Path Forward

Healing and the Path Forward

If life is so terrible on so many reserves, why do people stay? Why don’t they just pack up and move to the city? Actually about half of them have, but about half remain. That’s because they are very attached to the land. Their connection to their ancestors, to their...

Is Technology Creating More Scams and Cons?

Is Technology Creating More Scams and Cons?

“There’s a sucker born every minute”, a phrase often attributed to the 19th century showman, P.T. Barnum, has existed in some form for many years. It predates modern technology and it even predates Mr. Barnum. Con men are people who take advantage of our default...