
5G: Rise of the Machines

5G: Rise of the Machines

The Terminator movies were prediction, not fiction. The proof abounds in China, recently dubbed by the CBC as the world’s first digital dictatorship. The dragon has interfaced the fifth generation of wireless technology with surveillance cameras, and facial...

Legalize and tax marijuana and the budget will balance itself. Marijuana advocates from stoners to recreational users to the Prime Minister have tried to convince us of this for years. It makes some sense that a product so commonly used should be regulated, not...

Featured News

What Is A University Student?

As a result of government and university policies in both the U.S. and Canada, university students are not seen as individuals with records of educational achievement and the potential for both success in higher education and for contributions beyond in the wider...

The Cultural Appropriation Controversy

The Cultural Appropriation Controversy

The controversy surrounding “cultural appropriation” has received a huge amount of media attention. The newspapers are full of it, and CBC has seemingly endless panel discussions on the subject. Good people have lost their jobs, and abject apologies have been issued...