
China, Nato and the Five Eyes

China, Nato and the Five Eyes

“Canada needs to be in a position to defend itself and defend its values,” U.S. National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien told delegates at the Halifax International Security Summit. He urged America’s northern neighbour to keep its NATO commitments and increase...

A Wake up Call For Canada

A Wake up Call For Canada

Canada’s recent federal election result exposes intractable challenges dating from confederation in 1867. Wexit could allow Alberta to escape from a burden somewhat resembling the maladministration that afflicted Argentina, once the world’s equal richest country. For...

Featured News

Land Reserves Are Destructive

Land Reserves Are Destructive

Life for farmers in agricultural parts of British Columbia can be hard. Winters are long, the weather is unpredictable, and a couple bad years can put even prepared families at risk of losing their livelihoods. Getting through these challenging periods is easier when...

Redefining Canada’s Internal Boundaries

Redefining Canada’s Internal Boundaries

It has been nearly 115 years since the provinces Alberta and Saskatchewan were established. Through pure determination and will, the citizens of Alberta and Saskatchewan have developed these provinces into economic necessities for Canada. Despite suffering through...

Pipeline to Seattle

Pipeline to Seattle

Canada is in trouble. Half of the population believes we are in a climate crisis, one requiring shutting down our oil and gas industry. The other half recognizes that our oil and gas industry is vital, and our ecological problems can be managed. To make matters worse,...

Word of the Day: Jacobin

Word of the Day: Jacobin

In the summer and autumn of 1789, the French National Assembly overturned a thousand years of law and custom to produce a modern constitutional democracy. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen spelled out all the new conditions of civil life: the abolition...