
A New Approach to Stopping Climate Change

A New Approach to Stopping Climate Change

When creative intellect, left wing politics, and sexuality meet, the bizarre is sure to follow, even if it gets few followers. Take the ecosexual movement, pioneered by California PhDs Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens. In 2016, they penned the Ecosexual Manifesto....

Featured News

More Buckets of Icy Cold Energy Reality

More Buckets of Icy Cold Energy Reality

The full-court press is on for climate chaos disaster and renewable energy salvation. CNN recently hosted a seven-hour climate event for Democrat presidential aspirants. Every day brings more gloom-and-doom stories about absurd, often taxpayer-funded pseudo-scientific...

Who Are We?

Who Are We?

Society has become obsessed with identity. I am old enough to remember when there was only one channel on the television and just two sexes. Humans came packaged as either male or female and vive la différence! Now I am told that there are many, many “genders”:...

Whatever It Takes to Form Government?

Whatever It Takes to Form Government?

With opinion surveys showing the Liberal and Conservative parties running neck in neck one week before the October 21 federal election, there is plenty of talk about minority government and government coalitions. Prairie Canadians, those in Alberta and Saskatchewan in...

No One Is above the Law

No One Is above the Law

Nearly a month ago, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer called on the RCMP to investigate the Prime Minister’s conduct in the SNC Lavalin case.  Ethics Commissioner Dion found that the Prime Minister breached Section 9 of The Conflict of Interest Act, when he repeatedly...

Regional Subsidies in Canada

Regional Subsidies in Canada

Equalization and many other subsidies provided to Canadian regions are one of the most widely discussed but least understood aspects of our national life.  They are widely discussed because the funding devoted to these subsidies is large and their political impact...

A Nuclear Germany?

A Nuclear Germany?

What will this world look like in fifty years - or even in ten years? Of course we don’t know. But one of the rather unsettling possibilities is that the future will have to accommodate a Germany with nuclear arms. Let me explain. For the short period of time after...