Peter Holle

Why Did So Many Institutions Fail?

Why Did So Many Institutions Fail?

I’ve spent the better part of three years trying to figure out a central question. Why did so many individuals and institutions fail to protect our rights and liberties and thus set our country and the entire Western world on the path to decline? The failure was grave...

Featured News

Pushing Woke Ideology in Schools

Pushing Woke Ideology in Schools

If you’ve been around for a while, you probably remember the phrase “politically correct.” Being called politically correct was not a compliment. Rather, it meant that you had an unhealthy obsession with not offending anyone, even if you had to say some rather silly...

The Disgrace of the Old Guard

The Disgrace of the Old Guard

The news was everywhere this morning: Liz Truss, foreign secretary, is the new British Prime Minister. As usual, one had to dig deeper than the mainstream media line to find out why she won over Rishi Sunak, former chancellor of the Exchequer. Sunak had belatedly said...