Peter Holle

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Traditional Teaching is not Obsolete

Traditional Teaching is not Obsolete

Artificial intelligence has come a long way. Unlike the rudimentary software of the past, modern-day programs such as ChatGPT are truly impressive. Whether you need a 1,000-word essay summarizing the history of Manitoba, a 500-word article extolling the virtues of...

Race Hate is Official Government Policy

Race Hate is Official Government Policy

The Canadian and American governments have imposed blatantly racist policies and regulations on their populations. Dividing their citizens into “oppressors,” all white people, and “victims,” all BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) and LGBTQ2S (lesbian, gay,...

Healthcare and The Definition of Insanity

Healthcare and The Definition of Insanity

What’s wrong with Canada’s healthcare system? Dysfunctional systems, wait lists, not enough doctors, and not enough beds. Those are just the obvious ‘starters’ in a long list of problems that are keeping Canadians from accessing medical care. Tossing more money at the...