Brian Giesbrecht

Russia’s Nervous Neighbours

Russia’s Nervous Neighbours

We don’t know how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will end, but whatever the outcome, the world will be changed forever. Already, the post WWII consensus—often called the Pax Americana—that has kept the world relatively peaceful is rapidly breaking down. China, Russia,...

The Redman Plan

The Redman Plan

When the pandemic hit, and almost all of the western nations simultaneously adopted a western version of the lockdown strategy devised by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to respond to the original Covid-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China, very few voices questioning voices...

Xi’s “Clark Kent” Moment

Xi’s “Clark Kent” Moment

Xi Xingping recently had his “Clark Kent” moment. Kent was Superman. He would rip off his workaday shirt to reveal his true identity. China’s despot leader figuratively did that when he unilaterally “brought peace” to the Middle East, and will now proceed to solve the...

Featured News

It’s Okay to Have Unpopular Opinions

It’s Okay to Have Unpopular Opinions

Rafael Zaki is a medical student who has filed a court application alleging that he was expelled from the University of Manitoba School of Medicine for expressing controversial opinions. Zaki is a Coptic Christian, an ancient Egyptian people who have increasingly...

The Pretendians

The Pretendians

“Pretendians” are what Indigenous people call non-Indigenous people who claim that they are Indigenous. Government financial incentives reserved exclusively for Indigenous people—supposedly, to achieve “equity”—have created “Pretendians” who are increasingly being...

Teaching About Residential Schools

Teaching About Residential Schools

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) recommended that all Canadian children learn about residential schools. This is part of Canada’s history, and is now taught in every classroom.  However, there is reason to worry that a fair and balanced view is not being...

The Snitches vs. The Scofflaws

The Snitches vs. The Scofflaws

Manitoba is at a pandemic low - not in infections, they are high - but in the government’s response. We are now encouraged to rat out fellow citizens on a “snitch line”. Officers have been hired to hand out tickets carrying hefty fines to business owners and...