Brian Giesbrecht

Featured News

57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar

Executive Summary The various federal political parties are all promoting the policy agendas they believe will foster a sustainably high quality of life for all Canadians. It remains to be seen whether they will attain the success that they aim to achieve. In some...

Climate Emergency? Do As I Say Not As I Do

Climate Emergency? Do As I Say Not As I Do

What is the climate “emergency”, “crisis”, “catastrophe” (take your pick) really about? According to teenager Greta Thunberg, who now appears to lead the climate crisis campaign, “It is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of...

FIDO – Forget It, Drive On

FIDO – Forget It, Drive On

Winnipeg’s Bear Clan has expelled its Thunder Bay sister group. While the mainly Indigenous volunteer group works closely with police, the collaborative relationship has broken down in Thunder Bay.  The Thunder Bay chapter began in 2016 - inspired by the success of...

UNDRIP – Behind Closed Doors

UNDRIP – Behind Closed Doors

British Columbia has become the first province to adopt the United Nations Declaration on Aboriginal Peoples (UNDRIP). Except for the opposition of a determined group of Conservative senators, the federal government would have adopted UNDRIP as actionable law before...

Social Justice & Caesarism

Social Justice & Caesarism

Don Cherry has now left the scene.  After decades of entertaining hockey fans, it was two words - “You people” - that did him in.  Although he later said he meant to say “Everyone”, judgement was swift and the execution was carried out on Remembrance Day.  A Canadian...

Canada is in trouble, half of the population believes we are in a climate crisis that believes shutting down the oil and gas industry is needed, while the other half recognizes that Canada’s oil and gas industry is vital. These competing opinions run roughly along an...

Pipeline to Seattle

Pipeline to Seattle

Canada is in trouble. Half of the population believes we are in a climate crisis, one requiring shutting down our oil and gas industry. The other half recognizes that our oil and gas industry is vital, and our ecological problems can be managed. To make matters worse,...

No One Is above the Law

No One Is above the Law

Nearly a month ago, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer called on the RCMP to investigate the Prime Minister’s conduct in the SNC Lavalin case.  Ethics Commissioner Dion found that the Prime Minister breached Section 9 of The Conflict of Interest Act, when he repeatedly...

A Nuclear Germany?

A Nuclear Germany?

What will this world look like in fifty years - or even in ten years? Of course we don’t know. But one of the rather unsettling possibilities is that the future will have to accommodate a Germany with nuclear arms. Let me explain. For the short period of time after...