Every time you hear a "climate change" scare story, that person was PAID. He is a Rockefeller stooge. He may not know it; but his profession has been entirely corrupted. In the climate change arena, the Rockefellers call the shots. The whole thing was their idea, they...
Elizabeth Nickson
Cowering Before Carbon
Despite turning this back this spring, South Dakota continues to be under attack by a freshly born green corporation, Summit Carbon Solutions, funded by China’s Belt and Road initiative, and you, through the Green New Deal provisions buried in the last debt ceiling...
Were the Fires Last Summer Deliberately Set?
A Google Earth satellite video is making the rounds on twitter. It shows the moment an arc of fires began in northern Quebec, the smoke rising. It looks like people calculated the prevailing winds so that the smoke would blow south. Then connected via sat phone, they...
The Sixth Great Extinction Lie Is Destroying Economy and Culture
The Endangered Species Act is the most powerful law outside the cities, and it based on lies. This week and next I am running three to five minute reads that pick apart the reason for the failing economy for the bottom 70%. As Dr. Peter St. Onge says, the bottom 9...
Featured News
There’s Nothing Fair About Canadian Health Care
For the past 14 years, Vancouver surgeon Dr. Brian Day has led the charge for health-care reform, pushing for the right of patients to pay for private care if their health and well-being are threatened as a result of waiting in a stagnant and overburdened public...
Transformers: More than Meets the Eye
The path to net zero, based on the much disputed belief that carbon dioxide is a pollution, is more steep and impractical than most people realize. Replacing fossil fuels with clean electricity will require much more power generation and a greatly upgraded grid to...
How ‘Green’ Projects Are Looting the Treasury
The most egregious theft of collective wealth and well-being -- and it is flat-out theft -- is the churn on “alternative” forms of energy production. Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama said last week in an interview with Steve Bannon that the U.S. has spent some $7...
Nickson: On Climate Uncertainty and Risk by Judith Curry
Book Review: On Climate Uncertainty and Risk by Judith Curry
Obsessive Green Policies Destroying Affordable Housing
Welcome to the lovely future they’ve planned for you.
No Farmers, No Food, No Future
All over the world, everywhere you look. And now bugs. They are actually serious about bugs, and when I say ‘they’ I mean the government. Justin Trudeau, the most hated prime minister in history, granted millions to yet another bug factory not too long ago. This...
Feeling Helpless?
Welcome to the “Brave New World”
Leaders On The Frontier – A Story About Control – With Elizabeth Nickson
Big Topics & Big Ideas
Climate And Capitalism: A Match Made In Hell
Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire. Imagine the money bomb waiting to be scooped up rebuilding one of Hawaii’s main tourist towns. Same story in the central valley of California. 2030 wants cattle off the land, so why not burn acres upon acres of feed....
Cowering Before ‘Carbon’
Right now South Dakota is under attack by a freshly born green corporation, Summit Carbon Solutions, funded by China’s Belt and Road initiative, and you, through the Green New Deal provisions buried in the last debt ceiling deal, to pipe “carbon,” from the oil fields...
Were the Canadian Fires Deliberately Set?
It wouldn't be the first time. A Google Earth satellite video is making the rounds on twitter. it shows the moment an arc of fires began in northern Quebec, the smoke rising. It looks like people calculated the prevailing winds so that the smoke would blow...