Frontier Centre

Single Use Plastic Banned Overturned By Federal Court

Single Use Plastic Banned Overturned By Federal Court

The Federal Court recently overturned the Federal Government's order to add certain single use plastics to the list of Federally banned toxic substances. What hasn't been reported by the media is that the deciding Federal Court Judge, Angela Fulanetto (appointed to...

Israel Gaza Conflict

Israel Gaza Conflict

The conflict in Israel is very complex and often difficult to understand. Do you think the media coverage is biased towards:

Featured News

Why No Formal Forensic Investigation?

Why No Formal Forensic Investigation?

Two years ago the Kamloops Mass Graves Story shocked the country. A researcher suggested that 215 soil disturbances at the site of the former Kamloops Residential School might possibly be graves of missing children. Politicians rushed to recognize the worst...

Western Standard: Candid Conrad Black Charms Winnipeg

Western Standard: Candid Conrad Black Charms Winnipeg

Three hundred people filled the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg to hear Lord Conrad Black speak his mind. Black told the Winnipeg crowd his parents lived in Winnipeg until the second World War and he still has first cousins living there. “I know it’s not my city,...