Lee Harding

The Failed Economics of Carbon Taxes

The Failed Economics of Carbon Taxes

A leading Canadian economist says the case for carbon taxes is limited and its proponents deliver more rhetoric than reality. In an interview with this author, Steve Ambler, Economics Professor at the University of Quebec at Montreal gave an excellent economic...

Featured News

No Evidence of Climate Crisis

In his annual State of the Climate report published on April 14, 2022, Dr. Ole Humlum, Emeritus Professor at the University of Oslo, examined detailed patterns in temperature changes in the atmosphere and oceans together with trends in climate impacts. Many of these...

Wireless Safety Spun

Wireless Safety Spun

When industry wants science to say something, how do they do it? Last Year The Nation showed us how in their special investigation, “How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe.” In 1993, a lawsuit alleged that cell phones caused a woman’s terminal brain...

Radiating 5G Caution

Radiating 5G Caution

“If this bill passes, many people will suffer greatly, and needlessly, as a direct result.” “This sounds like hyperbole. It is not.” So began a letter from Dr. Beatrice Alexandra Golomb, against a bill that would roll out 5G networks across California. The professor...

Vaccine Consensus vs Hesitancy

Vaccine Consensus vs Hesitancy

Eradicating vaccine hesitancy has never been a bigger priority for the medical and media establishment. The World Health Organization has listed the phenomenon among the top ten threats to global health. Unfavorable media coverage forced Vaxxed filmmaker Del Bigtree...

WHO Cares About Vaccine Hesitancy

WHO Cares About Vaccine Hesitancy

The World Health Organization named vaccine hesitancy in its list of top ten global health threats in 2019. Since then, mainstream media, medical organizations, and governments have treated the vaccine-hesitant as if they were a disease themselves. Negative...

5G: Rise of the Machines

5G: Rise of the Machines

The Terminator movies were prediction, not fiction. The proof abounds in China, recently dubbed by the CBC as the world’s first digital dictatorship. The dragon has interfaced the fifth generation of wireless technology with surveillance cameras, and facial...

Alberta, Appreciated, Yet Not!

Alberta, Appreciated, Yet Not!

The Alberta separatist movement hasn’t burned this hot since the first Trudeau imposed the National Energy Program. Yet, somewhat ironically, Canadians from other provinces feel closer to Alberta than any other faraway province. Everyone that is, except for Quebec,...

Victoria Sues God

Victoria Sues God

It has come to this—Victoria wants to round up a posse of municipalities to sue oil companies for damages from climate change. Not only is such a case well-nigh impossible to prove, it is also full of rich ironies. Weather-related damages, termed “perils” in Canadian...

The Little Potato Grows Eyes

The Little Potato Grows Eyes

China’s dictatorship, once the favorite of Canada’s Prime Minister, has now become his biggest problem. When he first visited China as Prime Minister, the Chinese lauded him as the “Little Potato” (with his late father Pierre being the big one). The name may be apt. A...

Newfoundland Sees the Light

Newfoundland Sees the Light

St. John’s sees the sunrise four-and-a half hours before Victoria. This means Newfoundlanders are the first to see the light, and British Columbians, the last. Unfortunately, some who leave the west coast to study on the Rock get an unwelcome surprise. Students who...