Rodney Clifton

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How We Teach Reading Really Does Matter

Reading is the most important skill taught in school. If students don’t learn how to read, not much else that happens there is going to matter. That’s because being able to read is important in virtually every job. Without the ability to read, life itself will be a...

A Merit Pay Plan for Manitoba Teachers

This paper proposes a merit pay plan for Manitoba teachers based on models that have been successfully implemented in the United States. It creates a new salary grid which replaces increments based on experience and the teacher’s years of university education. A teacher’s merit level placement would depend partially on in-school evaluations and student performance on standards exams. Principals will also have six possible merit levels, determined entirely by student performance

To Test or Not to Test?

This paper will examine the question of standards testing in public schools. What is its purpose? Are standards tests an effective and acceptable tool for measuring public school performance? Should we keep them or discard them?