Education Minister Nello Altomare wants to reduce the number of students being suspended from school. To achieve this goal, his department released a new policy directive that urges school administrators to use alternative measures when dealing with student...
NDP Needs PUB on Manitoba Hydro
Manitoba Hydro’s President and CEO Jay Grewal spoke on January 30 to members of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, and shared the utility’s plans to meet Manitoba’s future energy needs. They include a search for more purchased power from private entities (which would...
Wab Faces Test Over Manitoba’s Mining Future
Premier Wab Kinew is at a crossroads: he must decide whether to align with Manitobans seeking prosperity or with the zero-growth green activists prevalent in his party. This decision is crucial in shaping Manitoba's future as a mining leader. It was not so long ago in...
Wab’s Harsh Realities
It is but a few days before the New Year, and it has been only three months since the NDP became Manitoba’s provincial government. The recent election was much tighter than many people thought. The NDP won with just 4% more votes than the PC’s tally. And, the...
Featured News
There’s Nothing Fair About Canadian Health Care
For the past 14 years, Vancouver surgeon Dr. Brian Day has led the charge for health-care reform, pushing for the right of patients to pay for private care if their health and well-being are threatened as a result of waiting in a stagnant and overburdened public...
Transformers: More than Meets the Eye
The path to net zero, based on the much disputed belief that carbon dioxide is a pollution, is more steep and impractical than most people realize. Replacing fossil fuels with clean electricity will require much more power generation and a greatly upgraded grid to...
Manitoba PCs Deserve Another Mandate
I have good news for commentators who say Manitobans will be sick, stupid, and broke if this tax-cutting PC government is re-elected: they’re wrong. The unadjusted StatsCan numbers for August 2023 prove it. As a total percentage of wages and salaries, Manitoba pays...
Stefanson: A Great Opportunity to Exit Liquor Retailing
When one thousand Liquor Mart workers walked off their job Tuesday, Manitoba Government and General Employees’ Union president Kyle Ross called it a “last resort.” “We hope it ends sooner rather than later,” Ross said at a press conference. That’s funny. Many...
More Balance Needed on Personal Care Homes
Tom Brodbeck’s opinion essays (Winnipeg Free Press, July 28, 2023), rightly points out that in Winnipeg, at least, there has been “a breakdown of accountability measures to monitor the mistreatment” of residents of personal-care homes. Obviously, the physical and...
Lunch on the Frontier – Manitoba Hydro – With Graham Lane
Listen to Graham Lane speak about Manitoba Hydro at Lunch on the Frontier here. (61 minutes)
Breakfast on the Frontier -The Best Mayor that Winnipeg Never Had – With Peter Kaufman
Listen to former Winnipeg mayoral candidate Peter Kaufman speak about Winnipeg here. (69 minutes)
Breakfast on the Frontier – Winnipeg Unicity – Nick Ternette
Breakfast on the Frontier
Breakfast on the Frontier – Expansion on Northern Hydro Lines – With Hugh McFadyen
Listen to Hugh McFadyen speak at Breakfast on the Frontier here. (60 minutes)
Manitoba’s Future Hampered By Low Business Investment (FC011)
Read in PDF format here.
Manitoba Loses 217,000 People To Other Provinces Since 1961 (FC005)
Read in PDF format here.