
Featured News

Australia Repeals Its Carbon Tax

Australia has recently abolished what some have called the “world’s biggest carbon tax”. It was designed to combat climate change by reducing emissions of carbon dioxide that result from the burning of fossil fuels. Companies who produced emissions that exceeded a...

The Public Trusts Science, Not Politicians

Canadians have been deluged with reports about climate change for two decades, but polls still indicate that in most western countries, only about half of us believe in the science of the issue. Perhaps this is because most of what we hear comes from politicians and...

Fracking Does Not Harm Drinking Water

The debate over fracking continues to be lively, and there's a lot of misinformation out there. Fracking, or 'hydraulic fracturing', is the injection of water, sand and chemicals at high pressure into underground rock formations, to release trapped natural gas....

Best Places To Be Self Employed

Manitoba may be the best place to live in Canada, if you enjoy being self-employed. The Frontier Centre for Public Policy has recently launched its first Entrepreneurial Index. It examines and ranks the best places in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to be...