“A teacher should be a guide on the side rather than a sage on the stage.” This common saying is one of the most useless pieces of advice that teachers receive from their education professors. Many learning opportunities are, in fact, lost when teachers try to...
It’s time for Policy Reform to avoid a Demographic Cliff in Trade Labor
After Covid lockdowns caused the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, employers across the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and the European Union have been struggling and competing to find workers. I spoke with various...
Lessons from the Romanian Revolution
Canada has been through a demoralizing time in recent years, but hope remains. The 1989 Romanian Revolution is a good example well within our lifetime that serves both as a cautionary lesson for governments and some cause for inspiration for suffering citizens....
Report Shows Politics Trumped Science on U.S. Vaccine Mandates
If you thought responsible science drove the bus on the pandemic response, think again. A December 2024 report by the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee, Coronavirus Pandemic shows that political agendas made regulatory bodies rush vaccine...
Featured News
There’s Nothing Fair About Canadian Health Care
For the past 14 years, Vancouver surgeon Dr. Brian Day has led the charge for health-care reform, pushing for the right of patients to pay for private care if their health and well-being are threatened as a result of waiting in a stagnant and overburdened public...
Transformers: More than Meets the Eye
The path to net zero, based on the much disputed belief that carbon dioxide is a pollution, is more steep and impractical than most people realize. Replacing fossil fuels with clean electricity will require much more power generation and a greatly upgraded grid to...
Canada’s Leadership Vacuum Fueling a National Crisis
Weak leadership is igniting crises at home and abroad, jeopardizing Canada’s future
Kimberly Murray and the TRC: Accountability in Question
Is Kimberly Murray responsible for the false claim that there are thousands of missing Indian residential school children? By her own admission, she is. On 31 August 2022 in support of her request for intervenor status in the Mohawk Mothers' lawsuit in the...
Global Warming Predictions of Doom Are Dubious
What if the scariest climate predictions are more fiction than fact? The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) aims to highlight the urgent threats climate change poses. It projects severe consequences, including longer and more intense urban heat waves,...
The Best Laid Plans of Politicians and Bureaucrats
It has been days since the federal Liberals told Canadians that their budget shortfall was 50 per cent higher than expected, and Canadians are still reeling from the arrogance and financial malfeasance that produced a $61.9-billion deficit. Canadians are angry...
Forecasts Show Saskatchewan’s Economic Strategy is Failing
Saskatchewan’s economic strategy faces criticism as its GDP growth lags behind that of other provinces, ranking second last since 2015. High taxes, including an inefficient provincial sales tax (PST) and complex potash royalties, deter investment and reduce public...
CPP Needs Straightforward Reforms
Canadians are leaving pension money on the table. More than 15 years ago, my then-father-in-law shared an important decision with me. He would start collecting from his Canadian Pension Plan at age 60. Although his monthly benefits would be reduced, he doubted...
Lessons from History: The Danger of Disarming Citizens
The history of gun control in Canada demonstrates that it has been largely ineffectual in terms of reducing firearms-related crimes. Rifles and shotguns are relatively easy to obtain, while handguns and semi-automatic rifles are restricted. The Criminal Law...
Barbara Kay Article in the National Post Highlights Second Edition From Truth Comes Reconciliation
Barbara Kay highlights the Frontier Centre for Public Policy’s From Truth Comes Reconciliation, which examines the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) report. The book challenges the TRC’s portrayal of Indian Residential Schools, asserting that its...
Christmas: As Canadian as Hockey and Maple Syrup
Well, they’re at it again. A year after a Canadian Human Rights Commission position paper labeled Christmas "discriminatory" and an example of "colonialist religious intolerance", an Alberta public school has cancelled a winter concert because marking Christmas...