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Truth is the Road to Reconciliation

Canada has consistently failed to make progress that is commensurate with so many lofty pronouncements and expectations on the Indigenous file. By statistics alone, it is a national shame that most Indigenous Canadians on reservations live far below acceptable...

The CIA’s Media Assets

Four years after he broke the Watergate story, Carl Bernstein quit the Washington Post and spent six months looking at the relationship between the CIA and the press. The result was a 25,000-word cover story in the October 20, 1977 edition of Rolling Stone called “The...

When an Emergency is Not an Emergency

When an Emergency is Not an Emergency

There were many arguments used in the past week to justify calls for the use of the Emergencies Act. In order to bolster the claim that the traffic jam in downtown Ottawa constituted a threat to national security, Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair insisted...

Trudeau Commits Brand Suicide

Trudeau Commits Brand Suicide

Just the week before, when he invoked the Emergencies Act to deal with what was essentially a local police matter, Justin Trudeau was being compared to brutal dictators, like Xi Jinping. But now, after effectively saying “Just fooling” and revoking the same...

Vaccine Autonomy

Vaccine Autonomy

As we enter the third year of a global pandemic, it is glaringly obvious that Canadians are divided into two camps – those who are vaccinated and those who aren’t. Those who are vaccinated can keep their jobs, go to restaurants, work out at the gym, go to movies,...

Canadians are Fed Up

Canadians are Fed Up

Well. Apparently, Canadians do have a limit to the amount of unnecessary discomfort and ineffectual leadership that they will suffer. Polls, demonstrations and a convoy of truckers entrenched in downtown Ottawa all provide sufficient evidence to show that Canadians....

Handwriting Remains a Useful Skill

Handwriting Remains a Useful Skill

“Sign here please.” Anyone who has ever accepted a UPS delivery, signed a permission slip for a school field trip, or filled out a legal document has likely seen this phrase. Although it takes only a few seconds to sign a document, our handwritten signature means that...

Pandemic Power Play

Pandemic Power Play

In 1933, the Nazi Party held a thin grasp upon power in Germany.  Although narrowly elected, it held majority through its coalition partner, the German National People’s Party.   Does this sound eerily familiar? They were nonetheless able to enact the “Law to Remedy...

Two Fools On The Hill

Two Fools On The Hill

The discussions held by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Premiers leading up to the imposition of The Emergencies Act will not be made public, but the results are obvious : All Premiers except one, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, told Trudeau not to do it. I’m sure...