
Is Your Church Going Woke? And Why it Matters.

Is Your Church Going Woke? And Why it Matters.

The “woke” phenomenon seems to be everywhere these days. Universities, businesses and government agencies annually spend millions of dollars to promote wokeness, which, in those settings goes under the well-known DEI acronym: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Like the...

Featured News

The Case for Selling Crown Corporations

The Case for Selling Crown Corporations

This is far from the best time for most Manitobans. Covid-19 has poisoned the prairie province’s economy, the finances of the government, education, healthcare, small businesses and more. The reining party is on the ropes in a difficult environment that favours an...

Is Space the Final Frontier – Imagine?

Is Space the Final Frontier – Imagine?

Other than Covid 19, inflation, the collapse of Hong Kong as a free society, and a continuing bull stock market, the last two years has also been a time of space “development.  We have also seen two companies offer space tourism, the development of the largest rocket...

The Importance of Diversity

The Importance of Diversity

Recent American studies have revealed a striking lack of variation in political views among the nation’s university professors. For example, 85% of academics teaching political science rated themselves as left of centre; only 10% considered themselves to be in the...

GIGO Applies to Legal Opinions Too

GIGO Applies to Legal Opinions Too

Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) is an expression often used in the computer world, but it can also apply to the legal world. Take, for example, the jaw-dropping legal opinion expressed by David Beatty, professor emeritus of the University of Toronto Law School, when he...

Teachers Should Keep using Textbooks

Teachers Should Keep using Textbooks

I learned a lot about Canadian history when I was an elementary school student. However, it had little to do with what happened during class. Rather, I came across an old Canadian history textbook in our school library and started reading it on my own time. What...