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Sheldon Schwartz Interview

Sheldon Schwartz Interview

Sheldon Schwartz worked for the Province of Saskatchewan during a career spanning 25 years, including as Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance, responsible for Saskatchewan’s treasury and debt management functions and as the Chief Financial Officer and Vice President of Finance and Administration for Crown Investments Corporation, the Province’s holding company for its commercial Crown corporations.

Sidney Green

Sidney Green

“I support the general law. Namely, that it is unlawful to bribe a politician otherwise I do not support laws with respect to financing because one, it is contrary to freedom of speech and secondly, because it is impossible to enforce them and it makes dishonest people out of honest people because they will find and seek out ways to get around stupid laws.”

Linda West

Linda West

“The projections are that whatever the shortage is in your industry that they will double every 3 – 5 years for the next 15 years. We are literally today slowing down our economic growth because we don’t have workers.”

Bryan Schwartz

Bryan Schwartz

“If everyone is beholden to government, if you have a supplicant society, people are hesitant about engaging in free thinking and forthright criticism of government because that’s their funder. The other thing is that if you’re dependent on government you are less likely to think imaginatively and innovatively and cleverly about how to solve your own problems.”

Larry Martin

Larry Martin

“A whole bunch of places that have ethanol plants are finding that their water tables are falling. It’s based on corn in the U.S. and there’s a growing dead zone at the mouth of the Mississippi River in the Gulf of Mexico because of the nutrients and chemicals that are washed down the Mississippi River from the run-off.”