Media Appearances

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Health-Care Funding Promises Ignore Reality: Province should look abroad to find innovative solutions that work

In her “A GP for Me” plan, Health Minister Margaret MacDiarmid is promising an extra $100 million for 176,000 new patients. That works out to $568 per year per new patient, which would pay for a simple GP office visit about every three weeks for an average patient, one per month for the frail, or one visit every six weeks for complex or pregnant patients.

Author and Activist Speaks Out Against Honour Killings

Aruna Papp spent the past three decades devoted to helping Southeast Asian women in Canada and serves as research associate with the Winnipeg-based Frontier Centre for Public Policy. She is also an outspoken advocate for women from cultures that devalue females and she is most appalled at the murders of females at the hands of their fathers and brothers.

Nelson to import American Indian Movement

A Winnipeg chapter of the American Indian Movement will be formally organized on Saturday with Nelson, the former head of the Roseau River reserve, announcing Tuesday that three of 20 positions on the Grand Governing Council will be filled in a ceremony at Thunderbird House. Nelson said the Idle No More movement has engaged aboriginals.

Dictating Their Own Fate

Figures on aboriginal population from the 2011 census are not yet available, but the 2006 census showed nearly 1.2 million Canadians — about 4 per cent of the population — claim to be aboriginal. Of these, fewer than a quarter (under 400,000) live on reserves.