Worth A Look

Israel’s Election System Is No Good

But it is becoming increasingly clear that electoral reform of some kind is imperative if Israeli democracy is to survive. The latest election reveals in an acute form the gaping inadequacies and, worse still, the looming dangers of the existing electoral process and the resulting political structure: indecisive, splintered and at times corrupt.

Has “Peak Oil” Peaked?

It is always interesting to watch what happens when the media latches onto a given issue and then, as the reality on the ground evolves — sometimes radically — the media fails to catch up to, or even monitor, the changes. This means the public is stuck with an outdated version of conventional wisdom which, even if it were true in the first place, is no longer so.

Do Not Let The ‘Cure’ Destroy Capitalism

As governments continue to determine how many restrictions to place on markets, especially financial markets, the destruction of wealth from the recession should be placed in the context of the enormous creation of wealth and improved well-being during the past three decades. Financial and other reforms must not risk destroying the source of these gains in prosperity.

Featured News

Profile Series: Arthur Laffer

“Government spending is taxation. When you look at this, I’ve never  heard of a poor person spending himself into prosperity; let alone I’ve never heard of a poor person taxing himself into prosperity.” Arthur Betz “Art” Laff er is one of the world’s most renowned...

Have-not Premier Buys Must-have Votes

The federal government’s 10 figure cheque hadn’t even greased his palm before Quebec Premier Jean Charest cashed it for campaign credit. But by turning Quebec’s freshly minted equalization billions into election-eve tax-cut promises, Mr. Charest has reduced a federal...