Big Topics & Big Ideas
Leaders on the Frontier – UK Losing Its Culture to Record Migration – with Steven Edginton
Big Topics & Big Ideas
How Much Do Today’s Immigrants Help Canada?
The relationship between GDP, productivity, and immigration
Moscow Attack Highlights Need for Secure Borders
The shocking terrorist attack that took place on March 22, 2024 near Moscow is still reverberating around the globe. Exactly who was responsible for the attack and why it happened is not completely clear. One of the many Islamist terrorist factions, IS Khorason...
Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
Most Canadians Don’t Think Canada Is a ‘Post-National State’
When newly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told a bewildered Canada in 2015 that Canada was a “post-national state” not many of us knew what he was talking about. Doesn’t “post-national” mean that Canada was once a nation, but no longer is one? Was he really...
Canadians on the Move, to Smaller Communities
The Canadian Dream is increasingly being realized in smaller areas For decades, Canadians moved to the larger cities (census metropolitan areas, or CMAs) with their economic opportunities. The latest estimates indicate that CMAs have 72 per cent of the nation’s...
True Multiculturalism Requires Multiple Languages
Language is considered to be a cornerstone of culture. If one wants to understand a culture, it is important to know the language. Many people enjoy learning a new language, partly because it opens them to new cultures. There is an explosion of people learning new...
57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar
Executive Summary The various federal political parties are all promoting the policy agendas they believe will foster a sustainably high quality of life for all Canadians. It remains to be seen whether they will attain the success that they aim to achieve. In some...
What Prevents Immigrants from being Successful in Canada: Credential Recognition
Canada has been a country of immigrants, with a great number and variety entering the country over the last 400 years. In recent years, however, we have seen the government of accelerate the number of immigrants by nearly 75 percent, to over 400,000 per year. One of...
Demographics are driving the world. If you ever want a holiday again, welcome refugees and immigrants today
It’s come to my attention that I’m having the same conversation over and over again, and only recently have I figured out why. In almost every conversation of consequence I’ve taken part in recently seems to have a common thread. My wife and her co-worker were talking...
Falling Immigration, a Troubling Signal
Manitoba shows no sign that its policies will be able to maintain the working population, while, over time, returning to annual balanced budgets and cutting taxes to keep the private sector that is here now. This dismal prediction is partially drawn by observing the...
Immigration and Reverse Immigration
Border controls over immigration and views about who has a right to cross national frontiers and settle as an immigrant have evoked impassioned debate and conflicting politics. Such issues raise basic questions about the nation-state, the control over the state’s...
Borders, Boundaries and Walls, Part 1 of 2
While boundaries have traditionally, at least within the context of geographic statehood, represented physical demarcations, they have a much broader significance. Borders are essential declarations of sovereignty, but boundaries are equally social, political, and...