Aboriginal Futures

We are Finding the 2800 Missing Children

We are Finding the 2800 Missing Children

The “secret graves” and “missing children” narrative had our national flag flying at half-mast for over five months after an obscure indigenous politician made the startling claim that she “knew” that 215 indigenous children had been secretly buried in the “apple...

Indigenous Women and Canadian Institutions

Indigenous Women and Canadian Institutions

As you read the title of this article, your mind probably flashes to a few negative media stories. Perhaps you think of a young Indigenous woman’s bad experience with a Winnipeg taxi driver. Or you think of Joyce Echaquan’s suffering and death in a Quebec hospital and...

Featured News

To Infinity and Beyond

Space exploration is fraught with a wide variety of hazards; solar storms could irradiate astronauts, collisions with small, unseen objects could cause instant death, and the acts of both leaving Earth and coming back are high risk maneuvers that involve high speeds...

Profile Series: Lily Stender

Profile Series: Lily Stender

For Lily Stender, 49, Māori business leader, being a trustee of the Tolaga Bay Inn is a way to place the historic enterprise in Māori ownership as well as foster economic, cultural and social development in the local community. “When we acquired it, making money was...

Profile Series: Lee Timutimu

Profile Series: Lee Timutimu

Lee Timutimu, 43, is leading the ideal life of an Indigenous entrepreneur by combining his love for Māori storytelling with his experience in information technology (IT) into a successful business. Timutimu is the founder and CEO of Arataki Cultural Trails, an IT firm...

Treaty Annuity Right

Treaty Annuity Right

Autonomy for individuals and families was built into traditional Indigenous governance structures, and explicitly built into the historical treaties through an annuity payable directly to every man, woman and child in bands signing the treaties. However, since the...

The Little Guy From Shawinigan

The Little Guy From Shawinigan

Former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien was interviewed on CBC Radio on May 31, 2018. Although he is now 84 years old, he sounds today just like the feisty, former street fighter he was. From a very young backbencher, through many cabinet posts, and finally to a Prime...

Profile Series: Bailey Mackey

Profile Series: Bailey Mackey

For Māori business leader Bailey Mackey, entrepreneurs are born, not made. “You either have it or you don’t,” said the award-winning producer and CEO of Pango Productions, a production company he founded that is involved in TV and movie productions around the world....

Indian Residential Schools

Indian Residential Schools

Canadians are constantly being told that the Indian residential school system is at the root of the many dysfunctions in Indigenous society today. Alcoholism, violence, poverty and poor educational attainment are all blamed on these schools, the last of which closed...