Culture Wars

A Just Transition for the CBC

A Just Transition for the CBC

The influence of traditional print and broadcast news media has dropped dramatically. Even with handsome government handouts, many of them are barely alive today. In the market transition that is taking place, out of the slump of the old media a few new ones, such as...

Brian Peckford: On Jordan Peterson

Brian Peckford: On Jordan Peterson

What is this country coming to? A man who is a household name across the Globe. A person who stands for common sense and writes books detailing that. Oh! And he was raised in a democratic country where expressing your views, exercising free speech, was a given. And...

Featured News

Is Western Civilization Worth Defending?

Is Western Civilization Worth Defending?

“An anthropologist is someone who respects the distinctive values of every culture but his own. We in the West are all anthropologists now.” --Roger Kimball, The Fortunes of Permanence: Culture and Anarchy in an Age of America-- Soon after arriving at McGill...

Another Look at Apologies

Another Look at Apologies

The string of calls for public apologies continues unabated. Yet again, demands have been made that Pope Francis apologize for the role that the Catholic Church played in the Indian Residential School system. His refusal to do so has outraged native leaders....

Canadian Superheroes Abound

Canadian Superheroes Abound

Much has been made lately of the arrival of a new Canadian superhero. Welcome please, Amka Aliyak, alias Snowguard, a shape-shifting Inuit lass from Pangnirtung, in Nunavut who will soon be appearing on the pages of a Marvel comic book. With the assistance of her...

Are White Men Personae Non-Gratae?

Are White Men Personae Non-Gratae?

In contemporary British and Canadian television programs, women dominate the police forces. Any men officers are often men of colour. In older police dramas, the police were predominantly men.[1] Even in a few current programs, there are more male police, although the...

Some Good News about Race

Some Good News about Race

We are often told that Canada and the U.S.A. are racist societies. Minority activists denounce white society and demand compensatory measures. Black Lives Matter in Canada declares that “Black Power Matters.” In the United States, Black Lives Matter campaign against...

The Indigenous Grandmother

The Indigenous Grandmother

On May 15, 2018 CBC Radio aired a story about an Indigenous woman who complained that a security officer, and then a City of Winnipeg police officer, had treated her improperly while she was attending a Winnipeg Jets related “Whiteout” event. The woman, who described...

How long is the career of a public figure when facing anonymous accusations of sexual misconduct? In the case of Ontario Conservative leader Patrick Brown it was measured in hours from the moment CTV released the news to his resignation.

Regrets, I’ve Had a Few

Regrets, I’ve Had a Few

The Prime Minister mounted the National Apology Pulpit in Ottawa again this week by promising that at some point Parliament would express its regret for the McKenzie King government’s refusal in 1939 to grant asylum to German Jews aboard the MS St. Louis. The ship,...