
The Future of E-Government in Saskatchewan

The strength of the Saskatchewan economy is exhilarating. Saskatchewan should take advantage of its relatively worriless situation and implement innovative measures to maintain long-term prosperity. One such measure is a world-class e-government. Saskatchewan placed tenth within Canada for the quality of e-government, outperforming only Newfoundland and Labrador, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Options for the CBC: Alternative Roles for the National Broadcaster

Based on a historical analysis of the original role for a national public broadcaster, Roland Renner assesses how improving technology has affected the CBC and takes a look at five potential alternatives for bringing the CBC in to the modern world. Renner looks at five potential proposals, ranging from abandoning the idea of a public broadcaster entirely, to making only minor changes to the current system, before making a final recommendation.

Featured News

Broadcasting Regulation

Regulators have ordered Quebecor Media Inc. to abolish a pact between its broadcast network, Groupe TVA Inc., and cable division Vidéotron Ltee. that gives the latter exclusive access to on-demand programming. Read...

Netflix confronting Canadian challenges

Video streaming eats up a lot of bandwidth. This isn’t a problem for Netflix in the U.S., where one of the strictest plans is Comcast Corp.’s, which limits users to 250 gigabytes per month. That’s still enough to watch eight hours of Netflix per day. In Canada, Internet providers have capped bandwidth use much more aggressively….

…“A bit is a bit is a bit. If you’re a heavy user, regardless of what’s causing the heavy use, you will pay more. That’s the concept,” said Mirko Bibic, Bell Canada’s senior vice-president for regulatory affairs. “The caps we’ve established are well above our average users. If you’re a super-super heavy user, you should pay more….

…a Credit Suisse report last week noted that a Netflix subscriber with a Rogers Lite account would be charged an extra $4 per hour for watching any more than roughly half an hour per day


News like this makes me wonder if there should be structural separation between companies that operate broadcasting operations under the Broadcast Act and those that operate telecom undertakings that are defined under the Telecom Act.

Decade of the Telecommute

“The rise in telecommuting is the unmistakable message of the just released 2009 American Community Survey data. The technical term is working at home, however the strong growth in this market is likely driven by telecommuting, as people use information technology and communications technology to perform jobs that used to require being in the office.”

Robert Fulford

“I think that the Canadian artists at least, for example, the film makers have been too pliant in their attitude to government. They’ve been so anxious to get money out of the government that they’ve put up with an incredibly complex, multi-leveled system of grants that turns every film producer in our country into a government lobbyist.”