Results for "woke"

The End of Nuance

The End of Nuance

George W. Bush said famously to Congress after the 9-11 terrorist attack, “Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” Similarly, George Orwell said in 1942 that “in practice, ‘he that is not with...

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Politicizing the Judiciary

Politicizing the Judiciary

Israel is currently locked in an intense struggle between conservatives and progressives over the Netanyahu government’s judicial reform plans. As it now stands, the top court can strike down any law that it considers to be “unreasonable”. Those judges are all...

More Money Alone Won’t Fix Schools

More Money Alone Won’t Fix Schools

Judging by the recent flurry of spending announcements, provincial politicians are eager to spend more money on public education. For example, the Ontario government recently announced that it will invest an additional $180 million to improve the academic skills of...

Are you in favour of a parental bill of rights?

Are you in favour of a parental bill of rights?

Heather Stefanson’s PC party of Manitoba promised to introduce a four-point parental “bill of rights” if they are re-elected as the government of Manitoba this October.  These rights would include improving knowledge of the curriculum being taught, reporting of...