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Canada’s Sexist Child Support Guidelines

Canada’s Sexist Child Support Guidelines

If Christopher Sarlo is right, Canada’s Federal Child Support Guidelines are wrong. The economics professor at Nipissing University in North Bay, Ontario made an in-depth analysis on the basis for the Guidelines and found them wanting. His 100-page examination leads...

The Geothermal Energy Revolution

The Geothermal Energy Revolution

There is a revolution coming in geothermal energy. How big it will be and how fast it can grow remains to be seen, but the revolutionary technology is here now. We already know about the new technology by name — fracking. But that is fracking for oil and gas, the...

Featured News

Adaptation, Not Emission Cuts

Government officials from around the world have descended on the Indonesian resort island of Bali for two weeks of climate negotiations. The talk is of a new Kyoto-like treaty, with global caps on emissions of greenhouse gases. But such a treaty would harm the poor,...

Don’t Fight, Adapt

An Open Letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on climate change. It is signed by more than 100 specialists from around the world — many are leading figures in their fields, from climate science to economics to biology.