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When Misinformation is Misinformation

When Misinformation is Misinformation

Before 2016, “misinformation” was just another word in the dictionary. As soon as it became clear that Donald Trump’s straight-shooting presidential campaign was serious, and that he would likely become the Republican nominee, “misinformation” became a strategy....

Four Measures to Kick-Start the Canadian Economy

Four Measures to Kick-Start the Canadian Economy

Social engineers are eager for Canadians to buy into the same madness touted across the globe for post-pandemic recovery: more government spending. Now is precisely when technocrats must take a back seat and let markets take the wheel. On November 30, the minister of...

Sir John ‘Eh?

Sir John ‘Eh?

“The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.” - William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar" Sir John Alexander Macdonald, Canada’s first and six-times-elected prime minister, was born on either January 10 or 11, 1815. On the 206th...

Featured News

A Roger Douglas Moment?

There will be an acrimonious debate in the future as historians dissect how the political leadership in most rich world countries chose to manage Covid-19 by closing down their economies - throwing millions out of work and bankrupting businesses. The cascading...

Things that Really Matter

As we hunker down, it’s hard to remember what pre-virus Canada was like. Canada’s transportation system was then paralyzed by a collection of climate and Indigenous activists, while our Prime Minister was away. Although those issues seemed very important at the time,...