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Beware the Brotherhood

Beware the Brotherhood

“Look to the rock from which you were hewn And to the quarry from which you were dug.” --Isaiah 51:1b1 When it comes to Islamism and the Muslim Brotherhood, Britain and France pay close and wary attention while Canada barely glances. It should be different. The...

State-Run Child Care Expensive and Inferior

State-Run Child Care Expensive and Inferior

State-run child care advocates saw opportunity in the COVID-19 crisis. Working moms returned home to care for their children, some able to continue paid work from home, and others not. As a result, calls for universal child care grew louder than they had for 15 years....

Featured News

Think Tanks Matter

On January 30th Frontier Centre for Public Policy joined together with more than 145 think tanks, IGOs, NGOs, and civil society organizations around the world to hosted “Why Think Tanks Matter: The Future of Think Tanks and Policy Advice.” Events took place in 85...

The Penalty of Priceless Speech

Usually, an article about public policy is what some leader or bureaucrat should do. But what happens when the law and the government are misguided? At that point, the “decision-maker” is simply a citizen who decides whether they will stand up or cower, whether they...

Spinning Gold Out of Straw

'We were told it couldn't be done. Too many people had tried and failed.' -- Ray Dueck MORRIS -- Got gas? Gas from biomass, that is? Some people do, and they're laughing all the way to the bank. A biomass gasifier that turns straw into heat is proving a huge...