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Populism – The Orphan Child of Democracy

Populism – The Orphan Child of Democracy

Modern democracy is the crucible in which conflicts, grievances, rights, privileges, and power have been melded to produce a period of unprecedented peace following World War II, a period that gave rise to capitalism, to globalization, and to the vision of a global...

The Radiation Scandal Revealed

The Radiation Scandal Revealed

A scientific scandal of epic proportions has led to costly, overly restrictive regulations and harmed patients by greatly precluding the use of radiation in curative medicine. Dr. Edward J. Calabrese, Professor of Toxicology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst...

School Choice: The Safer Alternative

School Choice: The Safer Alternative

The COVID-19 pandemic has morphed from a public health issue into a political hot potato, riddled with fear and confusion, not excluding the education sector. The game’s key players are politicians, unions, and advocacy groups, leaving students and their parents,...

Featured News

Bring Back the Alberta Provincial Police

The Alberta Premier recently raised the possibility of implementing a provincial police service. "We will invite the panel to explore the feasibility of establishing an Alberta provincial police force by ending the Alberta Police Service Agreement with the Government...

Healthcare Problems We Share

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise: Five Steps to a Better Health Care System, by John F. Cogan, R. Glenn Hubbard, and Daniel P. Kessler, AEI Press, 139 pages,$18 No politician campaigning in January’s federal election would have dared to recommend that Canada adopt...