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The Return of Traditional Teaching

The Return of Traditional Teaching

Desks in rows with students facing the front of the room. Teachers providing lots of direct instruction. Students spending plenty of time doing individual practice work in their own desks.   No, we did not travel back to the 1950s. This is what many classrooms look...

Ripping Off the Bandage

Ripping Off the Bandage

Coronavirus infection numbers have been spiking in parts of Manitoba. Brandon has seen a significant number of new infections, and is now considered a “code orange” area. Some of the limited local events scheduled have been cancelled, and some restaurants in the area...

The Dirt on Democracy

The Dirt on Democracy

If the majority of the electorate has not already been disillusioned and alienated by the extreme partisanship of politics, the upcoming elections in the United States, the so-called beacon of democracy, will likely push another generation of voters over the precipice...

Featured News

Canada is Losing Its Competitiveness

Canada is gradually losing its competitiveness. According to the Institute for Management Development (IMD)1, a graduate business school and research centre, we are down three spots from 2018 to 13th. Canada is now ranked below the USA and Switzerland, as well as...

Why Think Tanks Matter?

On January 30th Frontier Centre for Public Policy joined together with more than 145 think tanks, IGOs, NGOs, and civil society organizations around the world hosted “Why Think Tanks Matter: The Future of Think Tanks and Policy Advice.” Events took place in 85...

Profitable Health Care

When will the patient’s pains and suffering be addressed by our government. The saying “if it is not broke don’t fix it” does not apply to our medical system as it has been broken for decades.