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Mandatory Vaccine Bill is Off-Target

Mandatory Vaccine Bill is Off-Target

New Brunswick’s failed attempt to remove vaccine exemptions sparked a political, ethical, and constitutional controversy. The benefits of the bill were marginal at best, but the heavy-handed tactics governments attempted to use to implement it were even worse. It was...

Systemic Racism

Systemic Racism

The current Prime Minister recently publicly contradicted RCMP Commissioner, Brenda Lucki, for saying there is no systemic racism within the RCMP.  Actually, Lucki said she didn’t know what “systemic racism” is.  In her words, “I have to admit, I really struggle with...

Featured News

Helium Lifts Resource Sector

Necessity is the mother of invention. After 35 years in oil and gas, Marlon McDougall was frustrated with the pressures of regulations, environmentalism, pipeline restrictions, and the need for expensive technologies as more easily accessible reserves were depleted....

Milk and Money

The price of milk in Canada recently popped up by an average of 7.8% and if there were any protests, they were certainly muted. That is unfortunate. The price increases should have reminded consumers that we weave a terribly tangled web when first we practise to deceive

First Nations Fiscal Act

The First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act, which received royal assent last week, gives aboriginal groups the authority to pool property taxes they collect to use as collateral for bond issues, virtually assuring that they will obtain an investment grade rating on par with Vancouver or Montreal.