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Gates, WHO, and Abortion Vaccines

Gates, WHO, and Abortion Vaccines

In essence, Bill Gates is in charge of the world’s health. The application of his massive wealth, and his rallying of others to do the same, puts him in an unparalleled position of impact. However, his influence is enormous enough that it may muffle the scrutiny he...

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Collectivism Kills Charity

“God giveth and the government taketh away,” goes the old, wry saying. God aside, it is people who won't or can't give when the government takes away. A recent survey of generosity in the United States and Canada gives even more proof. The more centralist and...

Getting the Fracts Straight: Hoover Institution

Hydraulic fracturing has its risk, but as we show in this video, scientific research suggests they are rare. Meanwhile, the process yields substantial economic gains. The nation is experiencing a natural gas and oil boom due in no small part to hydraulic fracturing,...

Sour Milk System

Given that productivity has been rising for centuries in agriculture, one might wonder why we keep paying more for milk instead of less. The reason: These productivity gains are being wasted away in our inefficient supply management system.

Expert Punctures Myth of Rapid Transit

If city hall is still considering building a light rail transit system to beef up public transit ridership, they may want to tune in to the research of Randal O’Toole, a U.S. author and economist who has studied rapid transit to death.
His conclusion, after studying the effects of LRT and bus rapid transit in dozens of U.S. and European countries, is that they do little, if anything, to increase ridership.