Results for "china"

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A less Naïve Canada on Foreign Policy?

A less Naïve Canada on Foreign Policy?

Pope Francis gave a speech recently in which he praised attachment to one’s own culture and place, criticizing global capitalism with its “consumerist vision of human beings” for its “levelling effect on cultures, diminishing the immense variety which is the heritage...

Things that Really Matter

Things that Really Matter

As we hunker down, it’s hard to remember what pre-virus Canada was like. Canada’s transportation system was then paralyzed by a collection of climate and Indigenous activists, while our Prime Minister was away. Although those issues seemed very important at the time,...

Rise of Shadow Banking is Victory for Consumers

Rise of Shadow Banking is Victory for Consumers

Competitors Mean Less Power for Incumbents, Central Bank Financial intermediation outside the banking system, also known as shadow banking, is growing by leaps and bounds in Canada. It is a CAD$1.5 trillion industry that expanded by 30 percent between 2015 and 2017,...