Results for "Residential"

The Myth (and Phony Math) of ‘Green’ Jobs

The Myth (and Phony Math) of ‘Green’ Jobs

Governments are killing real jobs and conning us about “millions of good green jobs.” “Fool me once,” Stephen King wrote, “shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.” His adage certainly applies to the myth (and fake math) of...

RIP Social Licence to Operate

RIP Social Licence to Operate

For several decades, Canada was the focus of a global attack on its natural resource economy, with its oilsands deposits (the world’s third-largest oil reserve) ranked as “public enemy number one.” Though only a tiny contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions...

The Gig Economy from Yards to Governments

The Gig Economy from Yards to Governments

My landlord friend had a problem and the solution was so novel he had to tell me about it. He lives in Winnipeg, but his house tenant in Regina couldn’t remove snow from the property. Not long ago, finding someone to deal with that might have been difficult or...

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Rethinking the Notion of Public vs. Private

In his epic campaign for president, Mr. Obama promised to bridge the political divides in America. He can begin by assuring public school educators that private options are not an attack on the institution of public education. On the contrary, when done well, they expand and strengthen it.

The Case for Selling Public Housing in Manitoba

The Manitoba government should sell its residential real estate holdings to the private sector and then concentrate on providing targeted subsidies to low-income Manitobans, this according to a new backgrounder from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. The report, from Frontier research associate Dan Klymchuk, shows how $25 million could be shaved off annual operating costs now paid by the provincial government, and instead redirected to those Manitobans in need of subsidized shelter. That $25 million could help subsidize 21,000 more people with their housing costs.