Results for "woke"

Wokeness kills Vancouver

Wokeness kills Vancouver

“Harm reduction--somebody’s got a sense of humour, man. ‘Cuz that ain’t helping nobody, man. It’s helping everybody get high more.”   Does passive policing and harm reduction improve health and safety? Vancouver is a living, breathing example to the contrary—or...

Pushing Woke Ideology in Schools

Pushing Woke Ideology in Schools

If you’ve been around for a while, you probably remember the phrase “politically correct.” Being called politically correct was not a compliment. Rather, it meant that you had an unhealthy obsession with not offending anyone, even if you had to say some rather silly...

Featured News

How Canada Discovered Resistance

How Canada Discovered Resistance

In February 2022, I attended the Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and struck up a conversation with a hunting guide from Newfoundland. We talked about guided trips to hunt moose and caribou and about how much of a haul it is to get from...