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Indian Industry Cronyism

Indian Industry Cronyism

Former Justice Minister David Lametti’s departure from government and immediate acceptance into an expensive law firm that makes millions from indigenous issues is a recent example of what has long been called “The Indian Industry” at work. The fact that a member of...

Featured News

How Traditional Finance Can Survive DeFi

Decentralized finance (DeFi) is here to stay and the time to jump on the bandwagon is now. By embracing blockchain and its related technologies, challenger banks are bringing the crypto revolution into traditional finance (TradFi) and preventing obsolescence.  TradFi...

Gun Violence in the U.S.

There have been thousands of cases of unprovoked firearm attacks in the United States over the past ten years and countless more prior to that. Senseless shootings at schools, places of worship, shopping malls, workplaces and hospitals. And there has been an endless...

Cox: Downtown Rethink

Cox: Downtown Rethink

This article entitled People in Toronto won't stop working from home and it's impacting the city paints a relatively negative picture about downtown prospects - noting that Toronto office vacancy rates have just hit their highest level since 1995.  Looks like the...

opinion backlog

Poll Question: December 21, 2022 to December 27, 2022 Poll Question: December 14, 2022 to December 20, 2022 According to a recent National Post story Quebec Premier Francois Legault (Canada's most popular Premier) opposes “wokeness” – particularly...


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