Results for "Residential"

More Buckets of Icy Cold Energy Reality

More Buckets of Icy Cold Energy Reality

The full-court press is on for climate chaos disaster and renewable energy salvation. CNN recently hosted a seven-hour climate event for Democrat presidential aspirants. Every day brings more gloom-and-doom stories about absurd, often taxpayer-funded pseudo-scientific...

Buckets of Icy Cold Reality

Buckets of Icy Cold Reality

CNN recently hosted a seven-hour climate bore-athon. That climate cataclysms are real and already devastating our planet was not open to discussion. So host Wolf Blitzer and ten Democrat presidential contenders vied to make the most extravagant claims about how bad...

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The Rise of eGovt

Just as the early 20th century’s sleepily parochial governments transformed themselves into sprawling bureaucracies to keep pace with industrialization, that lumbering, inflexible, messy, inefficient institution we call government today must — and surely will — transform itself in honor of the Digital Age.

Winnipeg’s Property Taxes

Is Winnipeg on a roll? A spate of “good news” stories has led some to that conclusion, and let’s hope they’re right. But new research data on the City’s high property taxes tell a cautionary tale, that the fundamentals necessary to a sustained boom may not be in place.

Private health — it works for Sweden

Private hospitals? Contracting out of health services? Last week, Mr. Harris flirted with the unthinkable: “If we’re going to have a universal system, we should not be afraid to say, ‘Can the private sector run this hospital better? Can they provide this service better? If they can, why should we fear that?’ “