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Should the Manitoba Government Only Support Childcare?

Should the Manitoba Government Only Support Childcare?

Late last August, Susan Prentice and Jesse Hajer claimed that childcare is “an austerity victim.” In short, they say that childcare had been inadequately funded by the PC government. With advice to the in-coming NDP government, they argue that spending more money on...

Featured News

Indian Juggernaut—A COVID-19 Time Bomb

China first reported the detection of an unknown strain of virus in Wuhan to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Country Office in China on December 31, 2019, an event that changed the world. Eleven million residents of Wuhan city were placed under an unprecedented...

Canada’s Political Pandemic Prison

Canada’s Political Pandemic Prison

Preston Manning already occupies a place of honour in our history books as “the father of modern-day Conservatism”. His accomplishments are too numerous to recount in this short article, and his articles, essays and books are many. One would think that with his many...

Serfing the Future?

Serfing the Future?

Land ownership has shaped civilizations from their beginnings, with a constant interplay between great powers—the aristocracy, the state, the Church, the emperor—and those below them. History has oscillated between periods of greater dispersion of ownership, and those...