Year: 2005

Searching for a Miracle Solution

This might seem an odd moment for a senior doctor to call for a switch in the way that the NHS is financed. Yet that is what Bernard Ribeiro, the new president of the Royal College of Surgeons, has done. In an interview with the Daily Telegraph published on August 13th, he argued that a tax-based system will be unable to cope with future health-care demands. Instead, Britain ought to emulate the social-insurance model of Germany and France, in which the main source of finance is contributions levied on workers’ pay.

Getting Results from Markets

One of my favorite movie quotes is Hayley Mills’s line in Pollyanna, “When you look for the bad in mankind, expecting to find it, you surely will.” And that’s what Mr. Stracher and many others do. While you’re busy looking for the bad, you miss so much of the good.

Featured News

Kyoto’s Outcome in One Word

In the most recent budget, the Liberal government has set aside $5-billion to spend on its climate change strategy. Money is allocated into funds designed to buy emission credits (which can be used to help Canada meet its Kyoto target), develop technology and help provinces build or refurbish infrastructure.

Flying Windmills

The next great energy technology may well be involve implausible-sounding machines called Flying Electric Generators, windmills 30,000 feet high and tethered to the ground by power lines. These windmills would capture the plentiful power in the strong, steady winds that blow in the jet stream