Year: 2008

Canada’s Wheat Cult

The CWB has become as much an economic cult as a Crown marketing agency. So it is never going to admit it is a drag on farmers or the West. But at some point taxpayers have to wake up to the fact that they are subsidizing Western farmers to the tune of $1-billion or more a year and they wouldn’t have to if the federal government would simply make marketing grain through the board optional, rather than compulsory.

Featured News

57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar

Executive Summary The various federal political parties are all promoting the policy agendas they believe will foster a sustainably high quality of life for all Canadians. It remains to be seen whether they will attain the success that they aim to achieve. In some...

Better Roads = Lower Greenhouse Gases

Upgrading the Perimeter Highway to free-flowing conditions has demonstrated environmental benefits, cost and travel time benefits for the users and improved public safety. It is time for the Government to get serious about smart green policies that show concrete benefits to Manitobans beyond simple emissions reductions.

Environmental Policy That Creates A Freeway of Benefits for Manitobans

The benefits of upgrading Winnipeg’s Perimeter Highway to free-flowing conditions by replacing the current signalized intersections with grade-separated interchanges include reducing vehicle emissions and travel times, increasing safety, reducing fuel consumption and increasing Winnipeg’s attractiveness as a potential central transportation hub.

New COMPAS Poll: Immense Public Frustration with Politicians Over the Global Warming and Climate Change Debate

A poll released by COMPAS Research shows two-thirds of Canadians think politicians have done a poor-to-bad job of providing evidence to justify their proposals to fight carbon gases—including spending billions or levying higher taxes on gasoline or heating oil. Fewer than one in five (19%) think Canada’s politicians have done a good-to-excellent job of justifying their plans.