Year: 2008

New COMPAS Poll: Immense Public Frustration with Politicians Over the Global Warming and Climate Change Debate

A poll released by COMPAS Research shows two-thirds of Canadians think politicians have done a poor-to-bad job of providing evidence to justify their proposals to fight carbon gases—including spending billions or levying higher taxes on gasoline or heating oil. Fewer than one in five (19%) think Canada’s politicians have done a good-to-excellent job of justifying their plans.

Featured News

End Of Boom Will Be Painful

What we will not have is a lean, productive economy, pumping out strong growth and taking full advantage of the only truly infinite natural resource: human brainpower. Through these long boom years we have received a lot of income but we have not produced much growth with it.

Escaping the Poverty Trap

Most people, given the choice, would like to live in a neighbourhood that boasts a sense of community. The poor are no different. A stake in one’s own community and a sense of belonging are crucial to generating social capital and good relations between neighbours.

The ‘Right to Buy’

The benefits of allowing state tenants to purchase their homes are massive: reducing reliance on the state, creating civic pride and a greater sense of social inclusion, improving neighbourhood appearance and safety and providing a basis for financial security.