Year: 2008

The Death of a Nation

It is one thing to support a people that is oppressed by an authoritarian government and Tibetans are actually in danger of losing their culture. But it is more disturbing when people choose to break up nation-states because they refuse to share their wealth, for linguistic or ethnic reasons.

Why Solving Global Warming May Not Pay Off

Cost-benefit analysis requires tough-minded decisions. It compels you (for example) to invest in children, with full lifetimes ahead of them, rather than in old people. It isn’t necessarily a discipline that works in all situations. Yet the Copenhagen Consensus makes two important points: You can get a very high economic return by reducing human suffering in simple, humble ways; and you can get the highest economic return of all – considering the minimal adjustment costs – by reducing global barriers to trade.

The Housing Bubble

Sadly, it is clear that the planning profession has too often lost its way by allowing itself to become captured by ideologues, less important aesthetic issues and those (both commercial interests and existing home owners) determined to exclude others from their rights to ownership and community participation.

Featured News

Sacred Cows: Guess Who’s Getting Milked

In the past 14 years, incidentally, the price of industrial, supply-managed milk has doubled – twice the rate of inflation and more than 30 times the increase in the actual cost of milk production on the farm, where the number of cows has fallen by 40 per cent. Canada’s surviving dairy farmers are, in fact, remarkably productive. These asset-rich millionaires, hard working though they are, don’t need welfare cheques any longer.