Year: 2012

New York Times’ Krugman off-base on GOP’s climate stance

Paul Krugman tells us in his Nov 22 OpEd “Gand Old Planet” that the Republican Party denies science, or, in Krugman’s words, they use the approach:

“If evidence seems to contradict faith, suppress the evidence.”

But one of the primary examples he uses to bolster his stance is so childish as to be laughable. Indeed, it demonstrates that Krugman, a professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University, is totally out of his depth commenting about the state of modern climate science.

A “Pinko Commie” Former Toronto City Councilor Talking Sense On Taxes

Those of you who follow municipal politics may recall hearing of Adam Giambrone. Giambrone is a former chair of the Toronto Transit Commission, and former mayoral candidate. While his campaign was derailed by some relatively minor personal issues, he is still seen as a young, up and comer in Toronto’s political community. But Giambrone has penned a recent article that should remind us all that people who are derided as “pinko commies” sometimes have good ideas about economic policies.

Featured News

57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar

Executive Summary The various federal political parties are all promoting the policy agendas they believe will foster a sustainably high quality of life for all Canadians. It remains to be seen whether they will attain the success that they aim to achieve. In some...

Climate change activist pollsters at it again

New public opinion survey “intellectual baby talk”

On Thursday, October 18, 2012 a new report was released entitled “Climate Change in the American mind – Americans’ Global Warming Beliefs and Attitudes in September 2012”. The report and the public opinion survey it discussed were produced by the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication. These are the same people who produced the bias-riddled October 9, 2012 Climate Change in the American Mind report about another of their recent polls, that one concerning U.S. public opinion about the connection between extreme weather and global warming. I wrote about the problems with that survey for PJMedia out of Los Angeles here.

As was the case with the October 9th survey, climate change campaigners and their allies in mainstream media quickly reported uncritically on the October 18th report:

Poll: Growing Majority Of Americans Understand The Earth Is Warming And Humans Are The Cause” proclaimed the alarmist site “Think Progress”.

Americans increasingly believe in global warming, Yale report says”, blared the Los Angeles Times.

“70% of Americans say global warming is real” exclaimed the Detroit Free Press.

But the new Yale/George Mason study is a seriously flawed report describing yet another biased and meaningless public opinion survey. Like practically all other polls on the subject, they failed to ask respondents the only questions that actually matter from a public policy perspective, questions like the following (which must be asked in this order):

CRTC denies BCE acquisition of Astral Media

…the Commission must evaluate applications for a change in effective control against the objectives set out in the (Broadcasting) Act, as well as its own policies and regulations. The Commission considers that the concerns related to competition, ownership...

The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert

Frontier was delighted to co-sponsor the annual Calgary luncheon of the Friends of

Donna Laframboise

The IPCC has been co-opted by Eco-activist groups

Science which was held yesterday.   It featured a presentation by Canadian author Donna LaFramboise who wrote an important book last year that exposes how the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been completely co-opted by eco-activist organizations with very defined agendas.   We will post the audio and related powerpoints slides shortly.  Here are my introductory remarks to give you a flavour:

To start off, I would like to thank the Friends of Science Society for hosting yet another crucially important climate change event.  We at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy are proud of our long standing relationship with the Friends. For those of you who don’t already know, Friends of Science is a non-profit organization run by volunteers dedicated to educating the public about what science really tells us about climate change.

Even though world temperatures have not risen for the past 16 years the global warming lobby continues to bombard us with breathless reports of imminent doom due to mankind’s use of conventional hydrocarbon fuels. They tell us that that our emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of coal, oil and natural gas are causing a dangerous increase in our planet’s greenhouse effect.  This then is causing the dreaded global warming that, so we are told by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or the IPCC, is leading to a host of frightening phenomena; such things as:

–       increasing extreme weather like droughts, heat waves and hurricanes.

–       Unprecedented Arctic sea ice melt

–       Antarctic icecap growth – that too is a result of human induced global warming, climate alarmists announced last week (go figure . . .).

–       the threat of extinction of polar bears due to Arctic warming. Apparently no one has told the bears about this since they stubbornly continue to thrive, with rising numbers threatening native communities.

–       The Maldives in the Indian Ocean will also soon vanish from the face of the Earth due to rising sea level, alarmists tell us. The fact that sea levels in the Maldives are lower now than they were in the 1970s doesn’t seem to matter at all.

Equalization Isn’t Equal

Mention the subject of federal transfer payments, and most people’s eyes will glaze over. Mention that taxpayers in Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario are net contributors to federal transfer payments – even though the cost of living is highest in those provinces, and lowest in the provinces that receive the bulk of federal transfer payments – and you might get people’s attention.