Year: 2013

More Government Pocket Picking

Following closely on the heels of a media report of the dangerous driving behaviour of many motorists in school zones, the Minister Responsible for MPI, Andrew Swan, rushed out today with an announcement that MPI premiums are to pay...

Featured News

Time to End the Tax-and-Incarcerate Approach to Tobacco

The federal government is considering mandatory minimum sentences for the sale of contraband tobacco in an attempt to crack down on black market activity. However, federal taxes are driving Canadians to the black market in the first place. Rather than ramping up policing efforts and costs, the government should reduce taxes to reduce demand for black market tobacco.

Hydro Must Serve Citizens, Not Government

I find Lane to be credible and not conflicted. He has had a distinguished career serving the people of Manitoba at the Workers Compensation Board, Manitoba Public Insurance, the University of Winnipeg, St. Amant Centre, and, lately, the Public Utilities Board. Lane criticized Hydro and the government for the high degree of risk Hydro’s ratepayers will incur with the implementation of the utility’s capital expenditure plans, some $33 billion to be spent over the next 20 years.

The Wonders of Accounting

It is widely understood, at least within certain knowledgeable circles, that the actions of Publius politicians, lawyers and accountants brought about the credit crisis and the worst recession in the developed world since the 1930s. Politicians strive to be elected...

The Wireless Industry Code

The CRTC released the Wireless Industry Code on Monday.  The Code itself has 8 pages of rules and 2 pages of definitions and is accompanied by a 1-pager entitled “Your Rights as a Consumer” which has a handy checklist that anyone can use to see if their supplier is...

Public Responsibilities Ignored

Publius attended a Frontier Centre Winnipeg luncheon address by Graham Lane, a former Chair of Manitoba's Public Utilities Board. In an address of about three quarters of an hour, Mr. Lane shared serious concerns about the provincial government's determination to have...

Toward a Self Employed Nation?

The United States labor market has been undergoing a substantial shift toward small-scale entrepreneurship. The number of proprietors – owners of businesses who are not wage and salary employees, has skyrocketed, especially in the last decade. Proprietors are self employed business owners who use Internal Revenue Service Schedule C to file their federal income tax. Wage and salary workers are all employees of any establishment (private or government), from executives to non-supervisory workers.

Government Is Too Expensive

Is it really sustainable for your paycheque to go up by 2 per cent a year, but your hydro bill to go up by 4 per cent, your school taxes by 6 per cent, your property taxes by 3.5 per cent and the provincial sales tax to go up to 8 per cent? Obviously it isn’t sustainable, but that’s what’s going on; government is simply becoming way too expensive for many people.