Year: 2013

City of Regina Plans to Solve Cab Shortage by Adding…6 Temporary Licences…

Regina has a serious taxi shortage. The city has 126 taxi licences for over 200,000 residents. In other words, there are nearly 1600 people per cab. A reasonable person might assume that this is a significant problem, especially in a dispersed city like Regina that does not have a great deal of mass transit. Aside from the fact that taxis are handy for non-drivers, they’re also a pretty big part of mitigating drunk driving. While adding a six taxis won’t hurt, it also won’t have much of an effect.

Global Warming Benefits?!!?

A few years ago Senior Fellow Tim Ball wrote a column for the Frontier Centre which observed that global warming would benefit Canada and particularly Manitoba. Winnipeg, of course, some pundits say is the coldest city in the world over 500,000 so the commentary hit a...

Featured News

Throwing Good Money After Bad?

One of the eternal questions of public policy is: should governments get into bed with private businesses? Whether it is called a Public-Private Partnership, buying a controlling interest for taxpayers, investing in the technologies of tomorrow or just, avoiding a...

Is Saskatchewan’s First-Time Home Buyers Tax Credit undermining housing affordability?

On its face, the First-Time Home Buyers Tax Credit seems like it would increase housing affordability. After all, aspiring home owners often have difficulty scraping together enough money for a deposit. But tax credits are the wrong tool. I pointed out during the last provincial election that evidence from the US suggests that the tax credit would, in fact, reduce housing affordability.

Oil Confusion

Here’s 10 news headlines about oil from today, presented without any further comment – I’ll leave it to you to try and figure out what’s going on.

Cutting Red Tape

This week the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) is hosting its fourth annual Red Tape Awareness Week™ 2013. In the spirit of the “Red Tape Revolution” here is a poem about red tape reduction initiatives.