Year: 2018

Fear Over a Rising Sea is a Ruse

Fear Over a Rising Sea is a Ruse

For the past 50 years, scientists have been studying climate change and the possibility of related sea level changes resulting from melting ice and warming oceans. Despite the common belief that increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere could result...

Featured News

Canadian Commercial Corporation

Canadian Commercial Corporation

The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) is a federal Crown corporation set up in 1946 to facilitate international trade on behalf of Canadian industries with governments of foreign countries. CCC’s business lines support Canadian companies contracting in a range of...

"Is Recycling working out for Winnipeg and other cities? In 2017 the City of Winnipeg turned down a proposal from its lowest bidder on providing waste and recycling services and went with a more expensive option, why would they do that you might ask? That is a great...

New Chance for a Good Idea

New Chance for a Good Idea

"If you ever ask yourself, why indigenous people line up during Treaty Days to collect $5.00 and why is it still $5.00? That $5.00 should have been raised with inflation. Annuity payments were in lieu of giving the access to the minerals. The annuities that were...

Profile Series: Chanelle Armstrong

Profile Series: Chanelle Armstrong

For Chanelle Armstrong, 31, creating her family business Stay Native was a chance to turn a growing New Zealand tourism industry into an opportunity to promote self-reliance among the Indigenous Māori. Many Māori businesses aim to help their community. “Being a social...