Year: 2020

Time to Abolish Indian Act

Time to Abolish Indian Act

Canadians are watching protests on American streets that stem in part from their history of slavery. That “original sin” dogs America, and tears at its soul.  But Canada, too, has an “original sin”. And that is our history with Indigenous people. It is not that it...

Canadian RF and EMR Standards

Canadian RF and EMR Standards

The word “radiation” conjures up images of the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima or the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. Our society has a strong, and not unreasonable, fear of nuclear radiation, that has been built up over years of stories. Starting with...

Policing:  Walking in Another’s Shoes

Policing: Walking in Another’s Shoes

There has been tremendous scrutiny and criticism of policing in recent months. Policing has been the lightning rod for widespread protests, a window into the failings of systemic processes and structures that have sustained otherization and marginalization, and...

Featured News

57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar

Executive Summary The various federal political parties are all promoting the policy agendas they believe will foster a sustainably high quality of life for all Canadians. It remains to be seen whether they will attain the success that they aim to achieve. In some...

The Past is a Foreign Country

The Past is a Foreign Country

Someone named Laila El Mugammar thinks about racism every time she stands up for the Canadian national anthem. This is because the composer of the song’s tune, the nineteenth-century Québeçois musician Calixa Lavallée, once founded a blackface minstrel group which...

Trans Mountain and Duty to Consult

Trans Mountain and Duty to Consult

The decision by the Supreme Court of Canada to dismiss the latest challenge by Indigenous groups over the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project should not come as a surprise.  It was a predictable outcome in a line of successive rulings that Trans Mountain had met...

Western Companies Already Separating

Western Companies Already Separating

The subject of western separatist sentiment has been receiving a lot of attention since the election. Western fossil fuel companies, like Encana, are increasingly decamping to Texas and other points south. But the fossil fuel industry is not the only resource industry...