
It is About Time

It is About Time

I think it is fair to say Alberta lost the public relations battle over oil a long time ago. The oil industry, as well as successive provincial governments in Alberta, did not take the opposition to oil seriously enough. As it turns out, the opponents have a great...

Learning From The Nordic Sami Model

Learning From The Nordic Sami Model

In February 2018, the Liberal government in Canada announced it would be releasing in the future a new legislative framework for recognizing Indigenous rights and title, with a heavy emphasis on Indigenous self-governance. “We need to get to a place where Indigenous...

Thompson’s Clogged Courts

Thompson’s Clogged Courts

Thompson, Manitoba’s court system is terribly clogged. Those charged with offences and held in custody wait far too long for their bail hearings and the system is simply overloaded. Despite past valiant efforts to fix it, this problem has existed for years. Now, a...

Featured News

Strike Before the Crumble

COVID-19 has left a gaping hole in Quebec’s healthcare system. Lack of nursing personnel, testing shortages, overflooding hospitals and postponed surgeries have turned Quebec’s healthcare into complete chaos. "We must invest in the health-care system, which is in the...

Let a Thousand Capital Markets Bloom

Alarm bells ought to be ringing in Canada. Business, industrial and foreign direct investment have performed pitifully over the past decade, with no reason to believe there will be a turnaround any time soon. As noted by Steven Globerman of Western Washington...

Profile Series: Dion Devow

Profile Series: Dion Devow

Mark “Dion” Devow, 47, an Indigenous entrepreneur and business leader from Australia, said his Indigenous clothing line could have done better financially at the start if he had chosen a different name, but he deliberately chose it to make a point. Devow established...

Fear Over a Rising Sea is a Ruse

Fear Over a Rising Sea is a Ruse

For the past 50 years, scientists have been studying climate change and the possibility of related sea level changes resulting from melting ice and warming oceans. Despite the common belief that increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere could result...

One Law for All

One Law for All

In his new book, There is no Difference, Ontario lawyer Peter Best begins a long-repressed national conversation about Canada’s legal and social relations with its Indigenous peoples. Mr. Best asks:  Why can not Nelson Mandela’s goal and vision of “one set of laws for...