
Indigenous Affairs, A Broken System

Indigenous Affairs, A Broken System

"Indigenous Affairs is not like most government departments. Most government departments provide one service to all Canadians. However, Indigenous Affairs provides all services to an individual group of Canadians. Indigenous Affairs has jurisdiction over 90% of...

Louis Riel

Louis Riel

One of Canada’s best known historic heroes has taken quite a shellacking lately. John A. Macdonald’s statue was removed from a place of prominence in Victoria by order of its city council, and there have been calls elsewhere for buildings that honour his memory to be...

Profile Series: Kawana Wallace

Profile Series: Kawana Wallace

Kawana Wallace, 27, is an Indigenous entrepreneur who has been able to harness his technical skills to revitalize the Māori language. Wallace is a co-founder and CEO of my Reo Studios, a New Zealand-based software company providing bilingual (English and Māori)...

Featured News

Profile Series: April Tinhorn

Profile Series: April Tinhorn

For Native American entrepreneur April Tinhorn, 43, working successfully in Indian Country is all about building and sustaining relationships with clients. “In working with tribal communities, it’s all about relationships. We are all about that and those relationships...

Day School ‘Survivors’

Day School ‘Survivors’

A class-action lawsuit against the federal government is underway for Indigenous students who attended day schools. It seeks damages for every Indigenous student who attended, an estimated 100,000 such people are alive. The lawsuit could result in a payout of at least...

The Corporate Welfare Rip Off

The Corporate Welfare Rip Off

What do the federal government, responsibility, and transparency have in common? When it comes to handing money to corporations, not much. Working class Canadians watch helplessly as their hard-earned money is taxed away to be put into the laps of large businesses-...

The Death of Forgiveness

The Death of Forgiveness

In 1961 John Profumo, Minister of War in the British government and a married man, conducted a brief, tawdry affair with teenage party girl Christine Keeler. Among Miss Keeler’s other lovers was Yevgeni Ivanov, a Soviet military attaché and intelligence agent. When...

The Equalization Debate

The Equalization Debate

In recent days, readers of the Guardian have read very different articles on equalization, one by Premier Wade MacLauchlan and one by me. This is healthy. One hopes that the debate continues. It is important to be factual as we go forward. For example, Mr. MacLauchlan...

Teacher Expertise Really Does Matter

Teacher Expertise Really Does Matter

“Teachers – don’t worry if you don’t have the knowledge or skill set. You are the lead learner. Inquire not lecture.” This was an actual tweet from a prominent education guru. Sadly, this message is far from isolated. There is a common belief in education circles that...

Two recent cases show a troubling trend on the part of the police in reacting to Canadians defending their property and families. When an armed gang roared on to the farm of Gerald Stanley, attempted to steal vehicles, and assaulted his wife, Stanley responded by...